1. What Unique Solutions is & What it is not?
Unique Solutions is an organization which is incepted with a mission to smoothen the complex & time-consuming government process of housing rental registration. Unique Solutions is not an agent or broker, so no recurring charges or commission will be levied upon end-user of our product or service bearer. Unique Solutions is founded with service-oriented architecture funded by its own product which will serve a user. Unique Solutions does not provide any help for lease related affairs, it only assists in leave & license registration agreement.
Unique Solutions advises to its users that they should consult an advocate or solicitor before entering into any agreement.
2.Unique Solutions hereby presents its responsibilities & non-responsibilities.
Unique Solutions is responsible for:
Integrity of ‘mobile rental application-’- the tool or interface it offers.
Reducing the complexity in time-consuming government process of housing rental registration.
Security of your personal data
Home delivery of Leave & license agreement
Follow up with government officials till completion of the registration process
Provide status on frequent basis of the progress in Unique Solutions’ process
Providing customer support
Helpful points about leave and license agreement
Unique Solutions is not responsible for:
Any disputed property
Delays by government due to unforeseen reasons
Any delay in appointments scheduled by Registration offices.
Incorrect data submission by end-user
3. End-users are required to furnish following details at the time of registration through our web application-
Respective names, contact numbers, email
Current addresses of respective authority, address of renting property
Leave and License period, other relative terms & conditions
Rent details and refundable or non-refundable deposits details.
Finally, making an appropriate payment
Failing to do so, their registration with us will not get completed.
4.Cancellation Policy
In case you wish to cancel your order after completing the whole procedure of putting up the detailed information and paying your amount via any payment mode then in that scenario you need to inform us via any communication channel viz. phone, mail or personally.
While informing through mail you should mention ‘Request Cancellation’ in the subject line. And, in the body of the mail it is mandatory to mention your request number, document id and your name and contact number. Also, you can mention your reason of cancellation though it’s optional. After fulfilling the mentioned criteria send it to the info@rentagreementpune.net
The refund payment will be made in accordance with our below mentioned refund policy which is specified according to the most likely cases of our model. In case if we receive your cancellation request after the final delivery of your registered documents then your cancellation request will be considered null and void.
5.Refund Policy
Subject to your compliance with our above-mentioned cancellation policy we are liable to refund your payment in the following cases which is based upon the state of ongoing process.
Case 1: Once the stamp duty & registration fees got paid by our company through GRAS or any authentic payment mode then 20% of the total amount paid will be refunded back.
Case 2: In case if you inform us to cancel the request before we make your payment for stamp duty & registration then 70% of the total amount paid will be refunded back.
6.Communication Policy
By accepting the terms and conditions the customer accepts that Unique Solutions may send the alerts to the mobile phone number provided by the customer while registering for the service or to any such number replaced and informed by the customer. The customer acknowledges that the alerts will be received only if the mobile phone is in ‘On’ mode to receive the SMS. If the mobile phone is in ‘off’’ mode then the customer may not get / get after delay any alerts sent during such period.
b. Unique Solutions will make best efforts to provide the service and it shall be deemed that the customer shall have received the information sent from Unique Solutions as an alert on the mobile phone number provided during the course of registration with our interface and Unique Solutions shall not be under any obligation to confirm the authenticity of the person(s) receiving the alert. The customer cannot hold Unique Solutions liable for non-availability of the service in any manner whatsoever.
c. The customer acknowledges that the SMS service provided by Unique Solutions is an additional facility provided for the customer’s convenience and that it may be susceptible to error, omission and/ or inaccuracy. In the event the customer observes any error in the information provided in the alert, Unique Solutions shall be immediately informed about the same by the customer and Unique Solutions will make best possible efforts to rectify the error as early as possible. The customer shall not hold Unique Solutions liable for any loss, damages, claim, expense including legal cost that may be incurred/ suffered by the customer on account of the SMS facility.
d. The customer acknowledges that the clarity, readability, accuracy, and promptness of providing the service depend on many factors including the infrastructure, connectivity of the service provider. Unique Solutions shall not be responsible for any non-delivery, delayed delivery or distortion of the alert in any way whatsoever.
e. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Unique Solutions as an organization and the SMS service provider including its officials from any damages, claims, demands, proceedings, loss, cost, charges and expenses whatsoever including legal charges.
f. By accepting the terms and conditions the customer acknowledges and agrees that Unique Solutions may call the mobile phone number provided by the customer while registering for the service or to any such number replaced and informed by the customer, for the purpose of collecting feedback from the customer regarding their experience.
g. Grievances and claims related to Unique Solutions service or product should be reported to Unique Solutions support team as soon as possible.
7. The party of the second part has agreed to pay to the party of the first part the charges given below in consideration of the e-registration services provided by it, failing to do so, the registration process will not be started. Being govt. authorized service provider for e-registration it has to follow the govt. mandate to take registration charges Rs. 700/- only (Rs. 550 + Rs. 150/-) and Rs. 300/- for doorstep service. But the party of the first part charges some more amount to deliver an improved user experience through a mobile application which helps online tracking of leave and license application on mobile, print outs of the original document on legal paper, courier service, software charges etc.
Range of charges (to govt. and to Unique Solutions)
a. Registration fee (to govt.) Rs. 1000/-
b. Stamp duty (to govt.) xxx (as per Govt. stamp calculator)
c. Government Authorization fee (to govt.) Rs. 150/-
d. Government approved E-Registration charges Rs. 550/-
e. Single visit Government approved fee Rs. 300/-
f. Other Unique Solutions charges (Software fee,Printing,Advisory,Courier etc) Rs. 549/-
g. Online payment gateway Charges (waived off for the moment,but can be charged if there is cancellation.)
8. The party of the first part makes it clear that Rs. 300/- are charged as door-step service charges within a defined circle based on the distance from Unique Solutions’ offices. Beyond a fixed defined distance, it is charged maximum of Rs. 200/- extra. The information about the distance is available on customer support number.
9. The party of First part further makes it clear that as a company it does not provide any witness for registration. It always recommends that the witness needs to be of either licensor's or licensee's acquaintance. However, if there are practical difficulties for customers in finding a witness the Unique Solutions executive that meets the customer at doorstep may help in finding one. It may be noted that in case if anybody charges any services for witness, the same are not paid to Unique Solutions, as a company.
*Subjected to Pune Jurisdiction